

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reflexive \Re*flex"ive\ (-?v), a.
   1. [Cf. F. r['e]flexif.] Bending or turned backward;
      reflective; having respect to something past.

            Assurance reflexive can not be a divine faith.

   2. Implying censure. [Obs.] ``What man does not resent an
      ugly reflexive word?'' --South.

   3. (Gram.) Having for its direct object a pronoun which
      refers to the agent or subject as its antecedent; -- said
      of certain verbs; as, the witness perjured himself; I
      bethought myself. Applied also to pronouns of this class;
      reciprocal; reflective. -- {Re*flex"ive*ly}, adv. --
      {Re*flex"ive*ness}, n.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: without volition or conscious control; "the automatic
            shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light";
            "a reflex knee jerk"; "sneezing is reflexive" [syn: {automatic},
     2: referring back to itself [syn: {self-referent}]
     n : a personal pronoun compounded with -self to show the agent's
         action affects the agent [syn: {reflexive pronoun}]

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         A {relation} R is reflexive if, for all x, x R x.
        {Equivalence relations}, {pre-orders}, {partial orders} and
        {total orders} are all reflexive.
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