

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reflective \Re*flect"ive\ (r?*fl?kt"?v), a. [Cf. F.
   r['e]flectif. Cf. {Reflexive}.]
   1. Throwing back images; as, a reflective mirror.

            In the reflective stream the sighing bride, viewing
            her charms.                           --Prior.

   2. Capable of exercising thought or judgment; as, reflective
      reason. --Prior.

            His perceptive and reflective faculties . . . thus
            acquired a precocious and extraordinary development.

   3. Addicted to introspective or meditative habits; as, a
      reflective person.

   4. (Gram.) Reflexive; reciprocal. -- {Re*flect"ive*ly}, adv.
      -- {Re*flect"ive*ness}, n. ``Reflectiveness of manner.''
      --J. C. Shairp.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: persistently or morbidly thoughtful [syn: {brooding}, {broody},
             {contemplative}, {meditative}, {musing}, {pensive}, {pondering},
     2: capable of physically reflecting light or sound; "a
        reflective surface" [ant: {nonreflective}]
     3: devoted to matters of the mind; "the reflective type"
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