

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reduplicate \Re*du"pli*cate\ (r?*d?"pl?*k?t), a. [Pref. re- +
   duplicate: cf. L. reduplicatus. Cf. {Redouble}.]
   1. Double; doubled; reduplicative; repeated.

   2. (Bot.) Valvate with the margins curved outwardly; -- said
      of the ?stivation of certain flowers.

Reduplicate \Re*du"pli*cate\ (-k?t), v. t. [Cf. LL.
   1. To redouble; to multiply; to repeat.

   2. (Gram.) To repeat the first letter or letters of (a word).
      See {Reduplication}, 3.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: form by reduplication; "The consonant reduplicates after a
          short vowel"; "The morpheme can be reduplicated to
          emphasize the meaning of the word" [syn: {geminate}]
     2: make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his
        brilliant performance of the magic trick" [syn: {duplicate},
         {double}, {repeat}, {replicate}]
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