

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Redolent \Red"o*lent\ (-lent), a. [L. redolens, -entis, p. pr.
   of redolere to emit a scent, diffuse an odor; pref. red-,
   re-, re- + olere to emit a smell. See {Odor}.]
   Diffusing odor or fragrance; spreading sweet scent; scented;
   odorous; smelling; -- usually followed by of. ``Honey
   redolent of spring.'' --Dryden. -- {Red"o*lent*ly}, adv.

         Gales . . . redolent of joy and youth.   --Gray.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: serving to bring to mind; "cannot forbear to close on this
            redolent literary note"- Wilder Hobson; "a campaign
            redolent of machine politics" [syn: {evocative}, {redolent
            of(p)}, {remindful}, {reminiscent}, {reminiscent of(p)}]
     2: (used with `of' or `with') noticeably odorous; "the hall was
        redolent of floor wax"; "air redolent with the fumes of
        beer and whiskey" [syn: {redolent(p)}, {smelling(p)}]
     3: having a strong distinctive fragrance; "the pine woods were
        more redolent"- Jean Stafford [syn: {aromatic}]
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