

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   Note: The yellow-bellied terrapin ({Pseudemys acebra}) of the
         Southern United States, the red-bellied terrapin
         ({Pseudemys rugosa}), native of the tributaries
         Chesapeake Bay (called also {potter}, {slider}, and
         {redfender}), and the diamond-back or salt-marsh
         terrapin ({Malaclemmys palustris}), are the most
         important American species. The diamond-back terrapin
         is native of nearly the whole of the Atlantic coast of
         the United States.

   {Alligator terrapin}, the snapping turtle.

   {Mud terrapin}, any one of numerous species of American
      tortoises of the genus {Cinosternon}.

   {Painted terrapin}, the painted turtle. See under {Painted}.

   {Speckled terrapin}, a small fresh-water American terrapin
      ({Chelopus guttatus}) having the carapace black with round
      yellow spots; -- called also {spotted turtle}.
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