
red linnet

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Linnet \Lin"net\ (l[i^]n"n[e^]t), n. [F. linot, linotte, from L.
   linum flax; or perh. shortened from AS. l[=i]netwige, fr. AS.
   l[=i]n flax; -- so called because it feeds on the seeds of
   flax and hemp. See {Linen}.] (Zo["o]l.)
   Any one of several species of fringilline birds of the genera
   {Linota}, {Acanthis}, and allied genera, esp. the common
   European species ({L. cannabina}), which, in full summer
   plumage, is chestnut brown above, with the breast more or
   less crimson. The feathers of its head are grayish brown,
   tipped with crimson. Called also {gray linnet}, {red linnet},
   {rose linnet}, {brown linnet}, {lintie}, {lintwhite}, {gorse
   thatcher}, {linnet finch}, and {greater redpoll}. The
   American redpoll linnet ({Acanthis linaria}) often has the
   crown and throat rosy. See {Redpoll}, and {Twite}.

   {Green linnet} (Zo["o]l.), the European green finch.
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