
recursive macro actuated generator

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

Recursive Macro Actuated Generator
         (RMAG) Robert A. Magnuson, NIH ca 1970.
        A stand-alone macroprocessor for IBM 360/370 under VS or
        OS. Many built-in features and a library of several hundred
        macros.  Several large systems were written in RMAG to
        generate source code for languages such as IBM JCL, IBM
        assembly language, COBOL.
        There was also a system (SLANG: Structured LANGuage compiler)
        which would generate 370 assembly language from a
        pseudo-structured-programming language, based on Michael
        Kessler's structure programming macros developed at IBM.
        ["Project RMAG--RMAG22 User's Guide", R.A. Magnuson,
        NIH-DCRT-DMB-SSS-UG103, NIH, DHEW, Bethesda, MD 20205 (1977)].
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