
percussion cap

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Percussion \Per*cus"sion\, n. [L. percussio: cf. F. percussion.
   See {Percuss}.]
   1. The act of percussing, or striking one body against
      another; forcible collision, esp. such as gives a sound or
      report. --Sir I. Newton.

   2. Hence: The effect of violent collision; vibratory shock;
      impression of sound on the ear.

            The thunderlike percussion of thy sounds. --Shak.

   3. (Med.) The act of tapping or striking the surface of the
      body in order to learn the condition of the parts beneath
      by the sound emitted or the sensation imparted to the
      fingers. Percussion is said to be immediate if the blow is
      directly upon the body; if some interventing substance, as
      a pleximeter, is, used, it is called mediate.

   {Center of percussion}. See under {Center}.

   {Percussion bullet}, a bullet containing a substance which is
      exploded by percussion; an explosive bullet.

   {Percussion cap}, a small copper cap or cup, containing
      fulminating powder, and used with a percussion lock to
      explode gunpowder.

   {Percussion fuze}. See under {Fuze}.

   {Percussion lock}, the lock of a gun that is fired by
      percussion upon fulminating powder.

   {Percussion match}, a match which ignites by percussion.

   {Percussion powder}, powder so composed as to ignite by
      slight percussion; fulminating powder.

   {Percussion sieve}, {Percussion table}, a machine for sorting
      ores by agitation in running water.

资料来源 : WordNet®

percussion cap
     n : a detonator that explodes when struck
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