
obfuscated c contest

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

Obfuscated C Contest
         The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
        (IOCCC) is an annual contest run since 1984 over {Usenet} by
        Landon Curt Noll and friends.  The overall winner is whoever
        produces the most unreadable, creative, and bizarre (but
        working) {C} program.  Various other prizes are awarded at the
        judges' whim.  C's terse {syntax} and {macro-preprocessor}
        facilities give contestants a lot of maneuvering room.  The
        winning programs often manage to be simultaneously funny,
        breathtaking works of art and horrible examples of how *not*
        to code in C.
        This relatively short and sweet entry might help convey the
        flavour of obfuscated C:
         * HELLO WORLD program
         * by Jack Applin and Robert Heckendorn, 1985
         main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello, world!\n)";
        Here's another good one:
         * Program to compute an approximation of pi
         *  by Brian Westley, 1988
         #define _ -F<00||--F-OO--;
         int F=00,OO=00;
        Note that this program works by computing its own area.  For
        more digits, write a bigger program.  See also {hello, world}.
        [{Jargon File}]
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