
nonvolatile storage

资料来源 : WordNet®

nonvolatile storage
     n : computer storage that is not lost when the power is turned
         off [syn: {non-volatile storage}] [ant: {volatile storage},
          {volatile storage}]

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

non-volatile storage
         (NVS, persistent storage, memory) A term describing
        a storage device whose contents are preserved when its power
        is off.  Storage using magnetic media (e.g. {magnetic disks},
        {magnetic tape} or {bubble memory}) is normally non-volatile
        by nature whereas {semiconductor} memories ({static RAM} and
        especially {dynamic RAM}) are normally volatile but can be
        made into non-volatile storage by having a (rechargable)
        battery permanently connected.
        {Dynamic RAM} is particularly volatile since it looses its
        data, even if the power is still on, unless it is {refresh}ed.
        An acoustic {delay line} is a (very old) example of a volatile
        storage device.
        Other examples of non-volatile storage are {EEPROM}, {CD-ROM},
        {paper tape} and {punched cards}.
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