

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Nominative \Nom"i*na*tive\, a. [L. nominativus belonging to a
   name, nominative.] (Gram.)
   Giving a name; naming; designating; -- said of that case or
   form of a noun which stands as the subject of a finite verb.
   -- n. The nominative case.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: serving as or indicating the subject of a verb and words
            identified with the subject of a copular verb;
            "nominative noun endings"; "predicate nominative"
     2: named; bearing the name of a specific person; "nominative
        shares of stock" [syn: {nominal}]
     3: appointed by nomination [syn: {nominated}]

     n : the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of
         a verb [syn: {nominative case}, {subject case}] [ant: {oblique}]
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