

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Nine \Nine\, a. [OE. nine, nihen, AS. nigon, nigan; akin to D. &
   LG. negen, OS. & OFries. nigun, OHG. niun, G. neun, Icel.
   n[=i]u, sw. nio, Dan. ni, Goth. niun, Ir. & Gael. naoi, W.
   naw, L. novem, gr. ?, Skr. navan; of unknown origin.
   [root]307. Cf. {Novembeer}.]
   Eight and one more; one less than ten; as, nine miles.

   {Nine men's morris}. See {Morris}.

   {Nine points circle} (Geom.), a circle so related to any
      given triangle as to pass through the three points in
      which the perpendiculars from the angles of the triangle
      upon the opposite sides (or the sides produced) meet the
      sides. It also passes through the three middle points of
      the sides of the triangle and through the three middle
      points of those parts of the perpendiculars that are
      between their common point of meeting and the angles of
      the triangle. The circle is hence called the {nine points
      or six points circle}.

Nine \Nine\, n.
   1. The number greater than eight by a unit; nine units or

   2. A symbol representing nine units, as 9 or ix.

   {The Nine}, the nine Muses.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one [syn: {9},
           {IX}, {niner}, {Nina from Carolina}, {ennead}]
     2: a team of professional baseball players who play and travel
        together; "each club played six home games with teams in
        its own division" [syn: {baseball club}, {ball club}, {club}]

     adj : denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and
           one less than ten [syn: {9}, {ix}]
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