

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Nicety \Ni"ce*ty\, n.; pl. {Niceties}. [OE. nicet['e]
   1. The quality or state of being nice (in any of the senses
      of that word.).

            The miller smiled of her nicety.      --Chaucer.

   2. Delicacy or exactness of perception; minuteness of
      observation or of discrimination; precision.

   3. A delicate expression, act, mode of treatment,
      distinction, or the like; a minute distinction.

            The fineness and niceties of words.   --Locke.

   {To a nicety}, with great exactness or accuracy.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or
          propriety; "it was performed with justness and beauty"
          [syn: {justness}, {rightness}]
     2: a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude;
        "without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy
        the humor"; "don't argue about shades of meaning" [syn: {nuance},
         {shade}, {subtlety}, {refinement}]
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