

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Never \Nev"er\, adv. [AS. n?fre; ne not, no + ?fre ever.]
   1. Not ever; not at any time; at no time, whether past,
      present, or future. --Shak.

            Death still draws nearer, never seeming near.

   2. In no degree; not in the least; not.

            Whosoever has a friend to guide him, may carry his
            eyes in another man's head, and yet see never the
            worse.                                --South.

            And he answered him to never a word.  --Matt. xxvii.

   Note: Never is much used in composition with present
         participles to form adjectives, as in never-ceasing,
         never-dying, never-ending, never-fading, never-failing,
         etc., retaining its usual signification.

   {Never a deal}, not a bit. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

   {Never so}, as never before; more than at any other time, or
      in any other circumstances; especially; particularly; --
      now often expressed or replaced by {ever so}.

            Ask me never so much dower and gift.  --Gen. xxxiv.

            A fear of battery, . . . though never so well
            grounded, is no duress.               --Blackstone.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adv 1: not ever; at no time in the past or future; "I have never
            been to China"; "I shall never forget this day"; "had
            never seen a circus"; "never on Sunday"; "I will never
            marry you!" [syn: {ne'er}] [ant: {always}]
     2: not at all; certainly not; not in any circumstances; "never
        fear"; "bringing up children is never easy"; "that will
        never do"; "what is morally wrong can never be politically
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