

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         A parallel language loosely based on {ML},
        developed at {Carnegie Mellon University} by the {SCandAL}
        project.  NESL integrates parallel {algorithms}, {functional
        languages} and implementation techniques from the system's
        Nested {data parallelism} offers concise code that is easy to
        understand and debug and suits irregular data structures such
        as {trees}, {graphs} or {sparse matrices}.
        NESL's language based performance model is a formal way to
        calculate the "work" and "depth" of a program.  These measures
        can be related to running time on a {parallel computer}.
        NESL was designed to make parallel programming easy and
        portable.  Algorithms are typically more concise in NESL than
        in most other parallel programming languages and the code
        resembles high-level {pseudocode}.  This places more
        responsibility on the {compiler} and {run-time system} for
        achieving good efficiency.
        NESL currently runs on {Unix} {workstations}, the {IBM SP-2},
        the {Thinking Machines} {CM5}, the {Cray} {C90} and {J90}, the
        {MasPar} {MP2}, and the {Intel} {Paragon}.  Work is underway
        (April 1997) on a portable {MPI} {back end}, and an
        implementation for {symmetric multiprocessors}, such as the
        {SGI} {Power Challenge} or the {DEC} {AlphaServer}.
        Latest version: Release 3.1, as of 1995-11-01.
        ["NESL: A Nested Data-Parallel Language", Guy Blelloch,
        CMU-CS-93-129, April 1993].
依字母排序 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z