
let or leave

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Alone \A*lone"\, a. [All + one. OE. al one all allone, AS. [=a]n
   one, alone. See {All}, {One}, {Lone}.]
   1. Quite by one's self; apart from, or exclusive of, others;
      single; solitary; -- applied to a person or thing.

            Alone on a wide, wide sea.            --Coleridge.

            It is not good that the man should be alone. --Gen.
                                                  ii. 18.

   2. Of or by itself; by themselves; without any thing more or
      any one else; without a sharer; only.

            Man shall not live by bread alone.    --Luke iv. 4.

            The citizens alone should be at the expense.

   3. Sole; only; exclusive. [R.]

            God, by whose alone power and conversation we all
            live, and move, and have our being.   --Bentley.

   4. Hence; Unique; rare; matchless. --Shak.

   Note: The adjective alone commonly follows its noun.

   {To} {let or leave} {alone}, to abstain from interfering with
      or molesting; to suffer to remain in its present state.
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