

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Legion \Le"gion\ (l[=e]"j[u^]n), n. [OE. legioun, OF. legion, F.
   l['e]gion, fr. L. legio, fr. legere to gather, collect. See
   1. (Rom. Antiq.) A body of foot soldiers and cavalry
      consisting of different numbers at different periods, --
      from about four thousand to about six thousand men, -- the
      cavalry being about one tenth.

   2. A military force; an army; military bands.

   3. A great number; a multitude.

            Where one sin has entered, legions will force their
            way through the same breach.          --Rogers.

   4. (Taxonomy) A group of orders inferior to a class.

   {Legion of honor}, an order instituted by the French
      government in 1802, when Bonaparte was First Consul, as a
      reward for merit, both civil and military.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: archaic terms for army [syn: {host}]
     2: association of ex-servicemen; "the American Legion"
     3: a large military unit; "the French Foreign Legion"
     4: a vast multitude [syn: {horde}, {host}]
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