
leather flower

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Leather \Leath"er\, n. [OE. lether, AS. le?er; akin to D. leder,
   le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le?r, Sw. l["a]der, Dan.
   1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, tanned,
      tawed, or otherwise dressed for use; also, dressed hides,

   2. The skin. [Ironical or Sportive]

   Note: Leather is much used adjectively in the sense of made
         of, relating to, or like, leather.

   {Leather board}, an imitation of sole leather, made of
      leather scraps, rags, paper, etc.

   {Leather carp} (Zo["o]l.), a variety of carp in which the
      scales are all, or nearly all, absent. See Illust. under

   {Leather jacket}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) A California carangoid fish ({Oligoplites saurus}).
      (b) A trigger fish ({Balistes Carolinensis}).

   {Leather flower} (Bot.), a climbing plant ({Clematis Viorna})
      of the Middle and Southern States having thick, leathery
      sepals of a purplish color.

   {Leather leaf} (Bot.), a low shrub ({Cassandra calyculata}),
      growing in Northern swamps, and having evergreen,
      coriaceous, scurfy leaves.

   {Leather plant} (Bot.), one or more New Zealand plants of the
      composite genus {Celmisia}, which have white or buff
      tomentose leaves.

   {Leather turtle}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Leatherback}.

   {Vegetable leather}.
      (a) An imitation of leather made of cotton waste.
      (b) Linen cloth coated with India rubber. --Ure.

资料来源 : WordNet®

leather flower
     n 1: scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large
          red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved
          sepals [syn: {vase-fine}, {vase vine}, {Clematis viorna}]
     2: woody vine of the southern United States having purple or
        blue flowers with leathery recurved sepals [syn: {Clematis
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