

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Leap \Leap\, n. [AS. le['a]p.]
   1. A basket. [Obs.] --Wyclif.

   2. A weel or wicker trap for fish. [Prov. Eng.]

Leap \Leap\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Leaped}, rarely {Leapt}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Leaping}.] [OE. lepen, leapen, AS. hle['a]pan
   to leap, jump, run; akin to OS. [=a]hl?pan, OFries. hlapa, D.
   loopen, G. laufen, OHG. louffan, hlauffan, Icel. hlaupa, Sw.
   l["o]pa, Dan. l["o]be, Goth. ushlaupan. Cf. {Elope}, {Lope},
   {Lapwing}, {Loaf} to loiter.]
   1. To spring clear of the ground, with the feet; to jump; to
      vault; as, a man leaps over a fence, or leaps upon a
      horse. --Bacon.

            Leap in with me into this angry flood. --Shak.

   2. To spring or move suddenly, as by a jump or by jumps; to
      bound; to move swiftly. Also Fig.

            My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the
            sky.                                  --Wordsworth.

Leap \Leap\, v. t.
   1. To pass over by a leap or jump; as, to leap a wall, or a

   2. To copulate with (a female beast); to cover.

   3. To cause to leap; as, to leap a horse across a ditch.

Leap \Leap\, n.
   1. The act of leaping, or the space passed by leaping; a
      jump; a spring; a bound.

            Wickedness comes on by degrees, . . . and sudden
            leaps from one extreme to another are unnatural.

            Changes of tone may proceed either by leaps or
            glides.                               --H. Sweet.

   2. Copulation with, or coverture of, a female beast.

   3. (Mining) A fault.

   4. (Mus.) A passing from one note to another by an interval,
      especially by a long one, or by one including several
      other and intermediate intervals.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across
          the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can
          you jump over the fence?" [syn: {jump}, {bound}, {spring}]
     2: pass abruptly from one state or topic to another; "leap into
        fame"; "jump to a conclusion" [syn: {jump}]
     3: cause to jump or leap; "the trainer jumped the tiger through
        the hoop" [syn: {jump}]
     [also: {leapt}]

     n 1: a light springing movement upwards or forwards [syn: {leaping},
           {spring}, {saltation}, {bound}, {bounce}]
     2: an abrupt transition; "a successful leap from college to the
        major leagues" [syn: {jump}, {saltation}]
     3: a sudden and decisive increase; "a jump in attendance" [syn:
     4: the distance leaped (or to be leaped); "a leap of 10 feet"
     [also: {leapt}]

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        Language for the Expression of Associative Procedures.
        ALGOL-based formalism for sets and associative retrieval, for
        TX-2.  Became part of SAIL.
        "An ALGOL-based Associative Language", J.A. Feldman et al,
        CACM 12(8):439-449 (Aug 1969).
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