

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Heat \Heat\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Heated}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Heating}.] [OE. heten, AS. h?tan, fr. h[=a]t hot. See
   1. To make hot; to communicate heat to, or cause to grow
      warm; as, to heat an oven or furnace, an iron, or the

            Heat me these irons hot.              --Shak.

   2. To excite or make hot by action or emotion; to make

            Pray, walk softly; do not heat your blood. --Shak.

   3. To excite ardor in; to rouse to action; to excite to
      excess; to inflame, as the passions.

            A noble emulation heats your breast.  --Dryden.

Heating \Heat"ing\, a.
   That heats or imparts heat; promoting warmth or heat;
   exciting action; stimulating; as, heating medicines or

   {Heating surface} (Steam Boilers), the aggregate surface
      exposed to fire or to the heated products of combustion,
      esp. of all the plates or sheets that are exposed to water
      on their opposite surfaces; -- called also {fire surface}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj : serving to heat; "a heating pad is calefactory" [syn: {calefactory},

     n 1: the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperature [syn: {warming}]
     2: utility to warm a building; "the heating system wasn't
        working"; "they have radiant heating" [syn: {heating
        system}, {heating plant}, {heat}]
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