

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Healthy \Health"y\, a. [Compar. {Healthier}; superl.
   1. Being in a state of health; enjoying health; hale; sound;
      free from disease; as, a healthy chid; a healthy plant.

            His mind was now in a firm and healthy state.

   2. Evincing health; as, a healthy pulse; a healthy

   3. Conducive to health; wholesome; salubrious; salutary; as,
      a healthy exercise; a healthy climate.

   Syn: Vigorous; sound; hale; salubrious; healthful; wholesome;

资料来源 : WordNet®

     See {healthy}

     adj 1: having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from
            infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying
            fit and healthy" [ant: {unhealthy}]
     2: financially secure and functioning well; "a healthy economy"
     3: promoting health; healthful; "a healthy diet"; "clean
        healthy air"; "plenty of healthy sleep"; "healthy and
        normal outlets for youthful energy"; "the salubrious
        mountain air and water"- C.B.Davis; "carrots are good for
        you" [syn: {salubrious}, {good for you(p)}]
     4: physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and
        fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and
        exercise" [syn: {fit}] [ant: {unfit}]
     5: exercising or showing good judgment; "healthy scepticism";
        "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of
        French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and
        management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach
        to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound explanation for
        his decision" [syn: {intelligent}, {levelheaded}, {sound}]
     [also: {healthiest}, {healthier}]
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