资料来源 : pyDict
资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Gingerly \Gin"ger*ly\, adv. [Prov. E. ginger brittle, tender;
cf. dial. Sw. gingla, g["a]ngla, to go gently, totter, akin
to E. gang.]
Cautiously; timidly; fastidiously; daintily.
What is't that you took up so gingerly ? --Shak.
资料来源 : WordNet®
adj : with extreme care or delicacy; "they proceeded with gingerly
footwork over the jagged stones"; "the issue was
handled only in a gingerly way"- W.S.White
adv : in a gingerly manner; "gingerly I raised the edge of the