
get together

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : WordNet®

get together
     n : a small informal social gathering; "there was an informal
         meeting in my livingroom" [syn: {meeting}]
     v 1: get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get
          together all those who are interested in the project";
          "gather the close family members" [syn: {assemble}, {gather}]
     2: get together socially or for a specific purpose [syn: {meet}]
     3: work together on a common enterprise of project; "The
        soprano and the pianist did not get together very well";
        "We joined forces with another research group" [syn: {collaborate},
         {join forces}, {cooperate}]
     4: become part of; become a member of a group or organization;
        "He joined the Communist Party as a young man" [syn: {join},
         {fall in}]
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