

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Flaw \Flaw\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flawed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To crack; to make flaws in.

            The brazen caldrons with the frosts are flawed.

   2. To break; to violate; to make of no effect. [Obs.]

            France hath flawed the league.        --Shak.

Flaw \Flaw\, n. [OE. flai, flaw flake; cf. Sw. flaga flaw,
   crack, breach, flake, D. vlaag gust of wind, Norw. flage,
   flaag, and E. flag a flat stone.]
   1. A crack or breach; a gap or fissure; a defect of
      continuity or cohesion; as, a flaw in a knife or a vase.

            This heart Shall break into a hundered thousand
            flaws.                                --Shak.

   2. A defect; a fault; as, a flaw in reputation; a flaw in a
      will, in a deed, or in a statute.

            Has not this also its flaws and its dark side?

   3. A sudden burst of noise and disorder; a tumult; uproar; a
      quarrel. [Obs.]

            And deluges of armies from the town Came pouring in;
            I heard the mighty flaw.              --Dryden.

   4. A sudden burst or gust of wind of short duration.

            Snow, and hail, and stormy gust and flaw. --Milton.

            Like flaws in summer laying lusty corn. --Tennyson.

   Syn: Blemish; fault; imperfection; spot; speck.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: an imperfection in a device or machine; "if there are any
          defects you should send it back to the manufacturer"
          [syn: {defect}, {fault}]
     2: defect or weakness in a person's character; "he had his
        flaws, but he was great nonetheless"
     v : add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective [syn:
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