

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Figurative \Fig"ur*a*tive\, a. [L. figurativus: cf. F.
   figuratif. See {Figurative}.]
   1. Representing by a figure, or by resemblance; typical;

            This, they will say, was figurative, and served, by
            God's appointment, but for a time, to shadow out the
            true glory of a more divine sanctity. --Hooker.

   2. Used in a sense that is tropical, as a metaphor; not
      literal; -- applied to words and expressions.

   3. Abounding in figures of speech; flowery; florid; as, a
      highly figurative description.

   4. Relating to the representation of form or figure by
      drawing, carving, etc. See {Figure}, n., 2.

            They belonged to a nation dedicated to the
            figurative arts, and they wrote for a public
            familiar with painted form.           --J. A.

   {Figurative} {counterpoint or descant}. See under {Figurate}.
      -- {Fig"ur*a*tive*ly}, adv. -- {Fig"ur*a*tive*ness}, n.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adv : in a figurative sense; "figuratively speaking,..." [ant: {literally}]
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