
field sparrow

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sparrow \Spar"row\, n. [OE. sparwe, AS. spearwa; akin to OHG.
   sparo, G. sperling, Icel. sp["o]rr, Dan. spurv, spurre, Sw.
   sparf, Goth. sparwa; -- originally, probably, the quiverer or
   flutterer, and akin to E. spurn. See {Spurn}, and cf.
   1. (Zo["o]l.) One of many species of small singing birds of
      the family {Fringillig[ae]}, having conical bills, and
      feeding chiefly on seeds. Many sparrows are called also
      {finches}, and {buntings}. The common sparrow, or house
      sparrow, of Europe ({Passer domesticus}) is noted for its
      familiarity, its voracity, its attachment to its young,
      and its fecundity. See {House sparrow}, under {House}.

   Note: The following American species are well known; the
         {chipping sparrow}, or {chippy}, the {sage sparrow},
         the {savanna sparrow}, the {song sparrow}, the {tree
         sparrow}, and the {white-throated sparrow} (see
         {Peabody bird}). See these terms under {Sage},
         {Savanna}, etc.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of several small singing birds somewhat
      resembling the true sparrows in form or habits, as the
      European hedge sparrow. See under {Hedge}.

            He that doth the ravens feed, Yea, providently
            caters for the sparrow, Be comfort to my age!

   {Field sparrow}, {Fox sparrow}, etc. See under {Field},
      {Fox}, etc.

   {Sparrow bill}, a small nail; a castiron shoe nail; a

   {Sparrow hawk}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) A small European hawk ({Accipiter nisus}) or any of
          the allied species.
      (b) A small American falcon ({Falco sparverius}).
      (c) The Australian collared sparrow hawk ({Accipiter

   Note: The name is applied to other small hawks, as the
         European kestrel and the New Zealand quail hawk.

   {Sparrow owl} (Zo["o]l.), a small owl ({Glaucidium
      passerinum}) found both in the Old World and the New. The
      name is also applied to other species of small owls.

   {Sparrow spear} (Zo["o]l.), the female of the reed bunting.
      [Prov. Eng.]

Field \Field\, n. [OE. feld, fild, AS. feld; akin to D. veld, G.
   feld, Sw. f["a]lt, Dan. felt, Icel. fold field of grass, AS.
   folde earth, land, ground, OS. folda.]
   1. Cleared land; land suitable for tillage or pasture;
      cultivated ground; the open country.

   2. A piece of land of considerable size; esp., a piece
      inclosed for tillage or pasture.

            Fields which promise corn and wine.   --Byron.

   3. A place where a battle is fought; also, the battle itself.

            In this glorious and well-foughten field. --Shak.

            What though the field be lost?        --Milton.

   4. An open space; an extent; an expanse. Esp.:
      (a) Any blank space or ground on which figures are drawn
          or projected.
      (b) The space covered by an optical instrument at one

                Without covering, save yon field of stars.

                Ask of yonder argent fields above. --Pope.

   5. (Her.) The whole surface of an escutcheon; also, so much
      of it is shown unconcealed by the different bearings upon
      it. See Illust. of {Fess}, where the field is represented
      as gules (red), while the fess is argent (silver).

   6. An unresticted or favorable opportunity for action,
      operation, or achievement; province; room.

            Afforded a clear field for moral experiments.

   7. A collective term for all the competitors in any outdoor
      contest or trial, or for all except the favorites in the

   8. (Baseball) That part of the grounds reserved for the
      players which is outside of the diamond; -- called also

   Note: Field is often used adjectively in the sense of
         belonging to, or used in, the fields; especially with
         reference to the operations and equipments of an army
         during a campaign away from permanent camps and
         fortifications. In most cases such use of the word is
         sufficiently clear; as, field battery; field
         fortification; field gun; field hospital, etc. A field
         geologist, naturalist, etc., is one who makes
         investigations or collections out of doors. A survey
         uses a field book for recording field notes, i.e.,
         measurment, observations, etc., made in field work
         (outdoor operations). A farmer or planter employs field
         hands, and may use a field roller or a field derrick.
         Field sports are hunting, fishing, athletic games, etc.

   {Coal field} (Geol.) See under {Coal}.

   {Field artillery}, light ordnance mounted on wheels, for the
      use of a marching army.

   {Field basil} (Bot.), a plant of the Mint family ({Calamintha
      Acinos}); -- called also {basil thyme}.

   {Field colors} (Mil.), small flags for marking out the
      positions for squadrons and battalions; camp colors.

   {Field cricket} (Zo["o]l.), a large European cricket
      ({Gryllus campestric}), remarkable for its loud notes.

   {Field day}.
      (a) A day in the fields.
      (b) (Mil.) A day when troops are taken into the field for
          instruction in evolutions. --Farrow.
      (c) A day of unusual exertion or display; a gala day.

   {Field driver}, in New England, an officer charged with the
      driving of stray cattle to the pound.

   {Field duck} (Zo["o]l.), the little bustard ({Otis tetrax}),
      found in Southern Europe.

   {Field glass}. (Optics)
      (a) A binocular telescope of compact form; a lorgnette; a
          race glass.
      (b) A small achromatic telescope, from 20 to 24 inches
          long, and having 3 to 6 draws.
      (c) See {Field lens}.

   {Field lark}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) The skylark.
      (b) The tree pipit.

   {Field lens} (Optics), that one of the two lenses forming the
      eyepiece of an astronomical telescope or compound
      microscope which is nearer the object glass; -- called
      also {field glass}.

   {Field madder} (Bot.), a plant ({Sherardia arvensis}) used in

   {Field marshal} (Mil.), the highest military rank conferred
      in the British and other European armies.

   {Field mouse} (Zo["o]l.), a mouse inhabiting fields, as the
      campagnol and the deer mouse. See {Campagnol}, and {Deer

   {Field officer} (Mil.), an officer above the rank of captain
      and below that of general.

   {Field officer's court} (U.S.Army), a court-martial
      consisting of one field officer empowered to try all
      cases, in time of war, subject to jurisdiction of garrison
      and regimental courts. --Farrow.

   {Field plover} (Zo["o]l.), the black-bellied plover
      ({Charadrius squatarola}); also sometimes applied to the
      Bartramian sandpiper ({Bartramia longicauda}).

   {Field spaniel} (Zo["o]l.), a small spaniel used in hunting
      small game.

   {Field sparrow}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) A small American sparrow ({Spizella pusilla}).
      (b) The hedge sparrow. [Eng.]

   {Field staff}> (Mil.), a staff formerly used by gunners to
      hold a lighted match for discharging a gun.

   {Field vole} (Zo["o]l.), the European meadow mouse.

   {Field of ice}, a large body of floating ice; a pack.

   {Field}, or {Field of view}, in a telescope or microscope,
      the entire space within which objects are seen.

   {Field magnet}. see under {Magnet}.

   {Magnetic field}. See {Magnetic}.

   {To back the field}, or {To bet on the field}. See under
      {Back}, v. t. -- {To keep the field}.
      (a) (Mil.) To continue a campaign.
      (b) To maintain one's ground against all comers.

   {To} {lay, or back}, {against the field}, to bet on (a horse,
      etc.) against all comers.

   {To take the field} (Mil.), to enter upon a campaign.

资料来源 : WordNet®

field sparrow
     n : common North American finch of brushy pasturelands [syn: {Spizella
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