
fescue grass

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fescue \Fes"cue\ (f[e^]s"k[-u]), n. [OE. festu, OF. festu, F.
   f['e]tu, fr. L. festuca stalk, straw.]
   1. A straw, wire, stick, etc., used chiefly to point out
      letters to children when learning to read. ``Pedantic
      fescue.'' --Sterne.

            To come under the fescue of an imprimatur. --Milton.

   2. An instrument for playing on the harp; a plectrum. [Obs.]

   3. The style of a dial. [Obs.]

   4. (Bot.) A grass of the genus {Festuca}.

   {Fescue grass} (Bot.), a genus of grasses ({Festuca})
      containing several species of importance in agriculture.
      {Festuca ovina} is {sheep's fescue}; {F. elatior} is
      {meadow fescue}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

fescue grass
     n : grass with wide flat leaves cultivated in Europe and America
         for permanent pasture and hay and for lawns [syn: {fescue},
          {meadow fescue}, {Festuca elatior}]
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