

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Emblematic \Em`blem*at"ic\, Emblematical \Em`blem*at"ic*al\, a.
   [Cf. F. embl['e]matique.]
   Pertaining to, containing, or consisting in, an emblem;
   symbolic; typically representative; representing as an
   emblem; as, emblematic language or ornaments; a crown is
   emblematic of royalty; white is emblematic of purity. --
   {Em`blem*at"ic*al*ly}, adv.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: serving as a visible symbol for something abstract; "a crown
            is emblematic of royalty"; "the spinning wheel was as
            symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish"
            [syn: {emblematical}, {symbolic}, {symbolical}]
     2: being or serving as an illustration of a type; "the free
        discussion that is emblematic of democracy"; "an action
        exemplary of his conduct"; [syn: {exemplary}, {typic}]
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