

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Derivative \De*riv"a*tive\, a. [L. derivativus: cf. F.
   Obtained by derivation; derived; not radical, original, or
   fundamental; originating, deduced, or formed from something
   else; secondary; as, a derivative conveyance; a derivative

   {Derivative circulation}, a modification of the circulation
      found in some parts of the body, in which the arteries
      empty directly into the veins without the interposition of
      capillaries. --Flint. -- {De*riv"a*tive*ly}, adv. --
      {De*riv"a*tive*ness}, n.

Derivative \De*riv"a*tive\, n.
   1. That which is derived; anything obtained or deduced from

   2. (Gram.) A word formed from another word, by a prefix or
      suffix, an internal modification, or some other change; a
      word which takes its origin from a root.

   3. (Mus.) A chord, not fundamental, but obtained from another
      by inversion; or, vice versa, a ground tone or root
      implied in its harmonics in an actual chord.

   4. (Med.) An agent which is adapted to produce a derivation
      (in the medical sense).

   5. (Math.) A derived function; a function obtained from a
      given function by a certain algebraic process.

   Note: Except in the mode of derivation the derivative is the
         same as the differential coefficient. See {Differential
         coefficient}, under {Differential}.

   6. (Chem.) A substance so related to another substance by
      modification or partial substitution as to be regarded as
      derived from it; thus, the amido compounds are derivatives
      of ammonia, and the hydrocarbons are derivatives of
      methane, benzene, etc.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the result of mathematical differentiation; the
          instantaneous change of one quantity relative to
          another; df(x)/dx [syn: {derived function}, {differential
          coefficient}, {differential}, {first derivative}]
     2: a financial instrument whose value is based on another
        security [syn: {derivative instrument}]
     3: (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word;
        "`electricity' is a derivative of `electric'"

     adj : resulting from or employing derivation; "a derivative
           process"; "a highly derivative prose style"
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