

资料来源 : pyDict

证人;提出口供[书] 者

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Deponent \De*po"nent\, a. [L. deponens, -entis, laying down (its
   proper passive meaning), p. pr. of deponere: cf. F.
   d['e]ponent. See {Depone}.] (Gram.)
   Having a passive form with an active meaning, as certain
   latin and Greek verbs.

Deponent \De*po"nent\, n. [L. deponenes, -entis, laying down.
   See {Depone}, v. t.]
   1. (Law) One who deposes or testifies under oath; one who
      gives evidence; usually, one who testifies in writing.

   2. (Gr. & Lat. Gram.) A deponent verb.

   Syn: {Deponent}, {Affiant}.

   Usage: These are legal terms describing a person who makes a
          written declaration under oath, with a view to
          establish certain facts. An affiant is one who makes
          an affidavit, or declaration under oath, in order to
          establish the truth of what he says. A deponenet is
          one who makes a deposition, or gives written testimony
          under oath, to be used in the trial of some case
          before a court of justice. See under {Deposition}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a person who testifies or gives a deposition [syn: {testifier}]
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