

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Depict \De*pict"\, p. p. [L. depictus, p. p. of depingere to
   depict; de- + pingere to paint. See {Paint}, and cf.
   {Depaint}, p. p.]
   Depicted. --Lydgate.

Depict \De*pict"\, p. p. [L. depictus, p. p. of depinger? to
   depict; de- + pingere to paint. See {Paint}, and cf.
   {Depaint}, p. p.]
   Depicted. --Lydgate.

Depict \De*pict"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Depicted}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Depicting}.]
   1. To form a colored likeness of; to represent by a picture;
      to paint; to portray.

            His arms are fairly depicted in his chamber.

   2. To represent in words; to describe vividly.

            C[ae]sar's gout was then depicted in energetic
            language.                             --Motley.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country
          life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much
          tenderness in this painting" [syn: {picture}, {render},
     2: give a description of; "He drew an elaborate plan of attack"
        [syn: {describe}, {draw}]
     3: make a portrait of; "Goya wanted to portray his mistress,
        the Duchess of Alba" [syn: {portray}, {limn}]
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