

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dependent \De*pend"ent\, n.
   1. One who depends; one who is sustained by another, or who
      relies on another for support of favor; a hanger-on; a
      retainer; as, a numerous train of dependents.

            A host of dependents on the court, suborned to play
            their part as witnesses.              --Hallam.

   2. That which depends; corollary; consequence.

            With all its circumstances and dependents. --Prynne.

   Note: See the Note under {Dependant}.

Dependent \De*pend"ent\, a. [L. dependens, -entis, p. pr.
   dependere. See {Depend}, and cf. {Dependant}.]
   1. Hanging down; as, a dependent bough or leaf.

   2. Relying on, or subject to, something else for support; not
      able to exist, or sustain itself, or to perform anything,
      without the will, power, or aid of something else; not
      self-sustaining; contingent or conditioned; subordinate;
      -- often with on or upon; as, dependent on God; dependent
      upon friends.

            England, long dependent and degraded, was again a
            power of the first rank.              --Macaulay.

   {Dependent covenant} or {contract} (Law), one not binding
      until some connecting stipulation is performed.

   {Dependent variable} (Math.), a varying quantity whose
      changes are arbitrary, but are regarded as produced by
      changes in another variable, which is called the
      independent variable.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a person who relies on another person for support
         (especially financial support) [syn: {dependant}]

     adj 1: not independent; "dependent children" [ant: {independent}]
     2: contingent on something else [syn: {dependant}, {qualified}]
     3: of a clause; unable to stand alone syntactically as a
        complete sentence; "a subordinate (or dependent) clause
        functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a
        sentence" [syn: {subordinate}] [ant: {independent}]
     4: being under the power or sovereignty of another or others;
        "subject peoples"; "a dependent prince" [syn: {subject}]
     5: addicted to a drug [syn: {dependant}, {drug-addicted}, {hooked},
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