

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Denizen \Den"i*zen\ (d[e^]n"[i^]*z'n), n. [OF. denzein,
   deinzein, prop., one living (a city or country); opposed to
   forain foreign, and fr. denz within, F. dans, fr. L. de
   intus, prop., from within, intus being from in in. See {In},
   and cf. {Foreign}.]
   1. A dweller; an inhabitant. ``Denizens of air.'' --Pope.

            Denizens of their own free, independent state. --Sir
                                                  W. Scott.

   2. One who is admitted by favor to all or a part of the
      rights of citizenship, where he did not possess them by
      birth; an adopted or naturalized citizen.

   3. One admitted to residence in a foreign country.

            Ye gods, Natives, or denizens, of blest abodes.

Denizen \Den"i*zen\, v. t.
   1. To constitute (one) a denizen; to admit to residence, with
      certain rights and privileges.

            As soon as denizened, they domineer.  --Dryden.

   2. To provide with denizens; to populate with adopted or
      naturalized occupants.

            There [islets] were at once denizened by various
            weeds.                                --J. D.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a person who inhabits a particular place [syn: {inhabitant},
           {dweller}, {indweller}]
     2: a plant or animal naturalized in a region; "denizens of
        field and forest"; "denizens of the deep"
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