

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Demolish \De*mol"ish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Demolished}; p. pr.
   & vb. n. {Demolishing}.] [F. d['e]molir, fr. L. demoliri, p.
   p. demolitus; de- + moliri to set a thing in motion, to work,
   construct, from moles a huge mass or structure. See {Mole} a
   mound, and {Finish}.]
   To throw or pull down; to raze; to destroy the fabric of; to
   pull to pieces; to ruin; as, to demolish an edifice, or a

         I expected the fabric of my book would long since have
         been demolished, and laid even with the ground.

   Syn: To {Demolish}, {Overturn}, {Destroy}, {Dismantle},
        {Raze}. That is overturned or overthrown which had stood
        upright; that is destroyed whose component parts are
        scattered; that is demolished which had formed a mass or
        structure; that is dismantled which is stripped of its
        covering, as a vessel of its sails, or a fortress of its
        bastions, etc.; that is razed which is brought down
        smooth, and level to the ground. An ancient pillar is
        overturned or overthrown as the result of decay; a city
        is destroyed by an invasion of its enemies; a monument,
        the walls of a castle, a church, or any structure, real
        or imaginary, may be demolished; a fortress may be
        dismantled from motives of prudence, in order to render
        it defenseless; a city may be razed by way of
        punishment, and its ruins become a memorial of

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : complete destruction of a building [syn: {razing}, {leveling},
          {tearing down}]
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