
computer emergency response team

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

Computer Emergency Response Team
         (CERT) An organisation formed by {DARPA} in
        November 1988 in response to the needs exhibited during the
        {Internet worm} incident.  The CERT charter is to work with
        the {Internet} community to facilitate its response to
        computer security events involving Internet {hosts}, to take
        proactive steps to raise the community's awareness of computer
        security issues and to conduct research targeted at improving
        the security of existing systems.  CERT products and services
        include 24-hour technical assistance for responding to
        computer security incidents, product vulnerability assistance,
        technical documents and tutorials.
        E-mail:  (incident reports).
        Telephone +1 (412) 268 7090 (24-hour hotline).
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