

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Compound \Com*pound"\ (k[o^]m*pound"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Compounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Compounding}.] [OE. componen,
   compounen, L. componere, compositum; com-+ ponere to put set.
   The d is excrescent. See {Position}, and cf. {Compon['e]}.]
   1. To form or make by combining different elements,
      ingredients, or parts; as, to compound a medicine.

            Incapacitating him from successfully compounding a
            tale of this sort.                    --Sir W.

   2. To put together, as elements, ingredients, or parts, in
      order to form a whole; to combine, mix, or unite.

            We have the power of altering and compounding those
            images into all the varieties of picture. --Addison.

   3. To modify or change by combination with some other thing
      or part; to mingle with something else.

            Only compound me with forgotten dust. --Shak.

   4. To compose; to constitute. [Obs.]

            His pomp and all what state compounds. --Shak.

   5. To settle amicably; to adjust by agreement; to compromise;
      to discharge from obligation upon terms different from
      those which were stipulated; as, to compound a debt.

            I pray, my lords, let me compound this strife.

   {To compound a felony}, to accept of a consideration for
      forbearing to prosecute, such compounding being an
      indictable offense. See {Theftbote}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : the act of combining things to form a new whole [syn: {combination},
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