

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Composite \Com*pos"ite\ (?; 277), a. [L. compositus made up of
   parts, p. p. of componere. See {Compound}, v. t., and cf.
   1. Made up of distinct parts or elements; compounded; as, a
      composite language.

            Happiness, like air and water . . . is composite.

   2. (Arch.) Belonging to a certain order which is composed of
      the Ionic order grafted upon the Corinthian. It is called
      also the {Roman} or the {Italic} order, and is one of the
      five orders recognized by the Italian writers of the
      sixteenth century. See {Capital}.


   {Composite} {photograph or portrait}, one made by a
      combination, or blending, of several distinct photographs.
      --F. Galton.

   {Composite sailing} (Naut.), a combination of parallel and
      great circle sailing.

   {Composite ship}, one with a wooden casing and iron frame.

Composite \Com*pos"ite\ (?; 277), n.
   That which is made up of parts or compounded of several
   elements; composition; combination; compound. [R.]

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: consisting of separate interconnected parts
     2: of or relating to or belonging to the plant family
     3: used of color
     4: a modified Corinthian style of architecture (a combination
        of Corinthian and Ionic)

     n 1: a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts;
          "the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads
          created a new town" [syn: {complex}]
     2: considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants,
        characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that
        resemble single flowers [syn: {composite plant}]

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

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