

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cartouch \Car*touch"\, n.; pl. {Cartouches}. [F. cartouche, It.
   cartuccia, cartoccio, cornet, cartouch, fr. L. charta paper.
   See 1st {Card}, and cf. {Cartridge}.]
   1. (Mil.)
      (a) A roll or case of paper, etc., holding a charge for a
          firearm; a cartridge.
      (b) A cartridge box.
      (c) A wooden case filled with balls, to be shot from a
      (d) A gunner's bag for ammunition.
      (e) A military pass for a soldier on furlough.

   2. (Arch.)
      (a) A cantalever, console, corbel, or modillion, which has
          the form of a scroll of paper.
      (b) A tablet for ornament, or for receiving an
          inscription, formed like a sheet of paper with the
          edges rolled up; hence, any tablet of ornamental form.

   3. (Egyptian Antiq.) An oval figure on monuments, and in
      papyri, containing the name of a sovereign.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a cartridge (usually with paper casing) [syn: {cartouche}]
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