

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Capriole \Cap"ri*ole\, n. [F. capriole, cabriole, It. capriola,
   fr. L. caper goat. Cf. {Caper}, v. i. {Cabriole}, {Caprice},
   1. (Man.) A leap that a horse makes with all fours, upwards
      only, without advancing, but with a kick or jerk of the
      hind legs when at the height of the leap.

   2. A leap or caper, as in dancing. ``With lofty turns and
      caprioles.'' --Sir J. Davies.

Capriole \Cap"ri*ole\, v. i.
   To perform a capriole. --Carlyle.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: (dressage) a vertical jump of a trained horse with a kick of
          the hind legs at the top of the jump
     2: a playful leap or hop [syn: {caper}]
     v 1: perform a capriole, of horses in dressage
     2: perform a capriole, in ballet
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