资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
Berkeley Network
(B-NET) Top level {Unix} {Ethernet} software developed at the
{University of California at Berkeley}. There are no formal
specifications but UCB's {4.2BSD} {Unix} implementation on the
{VAX} is the de facto standard. Distributed by {Unisoft}.
Includes net.o driver routines for specific hardware, {pseudo
tty}s, {daemons}, hostname command to set/get name, /etc/hosts
database of names and {Internet address}es of other hosts,
/etc/hosts.equiv host-wide database to control remote access,
.rhosts per user version of hosts.equiv.
UCB's implementation of the {Internet Protocol} includes
trailers to improve performance on paged memory management
systems such as {VAXen}. These trailers are an exception to
the Internet Protocol specification.