

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Belfry \Bel"fry\, n. [OE. berfray movable tower used in sieges,
   OF. berfreit, berfroit, F. beffroi, fr. MHG. bervrit,
   bercvrit, G. bergfriede, fr. MHG. bergen to protect (G.
   bergen to conceal) + vride peace, protection, G. friede
   peace; in compounds often taken in the sense of security, or
   place of security; orig. therefore a place affording
   security. G. friede is akin to E. free. See {Burg}, and
   1. (Mil. Antiq.) A movable tower erected by besiegers for
      purposes of attack and defense.

   2. A bell tower, usually attached to a church or other
      building, but sometimes separate; a campanile.

   3. A room in a tower in which a bell is or may be hung; or a
      cupola or turret for the same purpose.

   4. (Naut.) The framing on which a bell is suspended.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a bell tower; usually stands alone unattached to a building
          [syn: {campanile}]
     2: a room (often at the top of a tower) where bells are hung
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