
bath chair

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bath \Bath\, n.
   A city in the west of England, resorted to for its hot
   springs, which has given its name to various objects.

   {Bath brick}, a preparation of calcareous earth, in the form
      of a brick, used for cleaning knives, polished metal, etc.

   {Bath chair}, a kind of chair on wheels, as used by invalids
      at Bath. ``People walked out, or drove out, or were pushed
      out in their Bath chairs.'' --Dickens.

   {Bath metal}, an alloy consisting of four and a half ounces
      of zinc and one pound of copper.

   {Bath note}, a folded writing paper, 8 1/2 by 14 inches.

   {Bath stone}, a species of limestone (o["o]lite) found near
      Bath, used for building.

资料来源 : WordNet®

bath chair
     n : a wheelchair usually pushed by an attendant, as at a spa
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