

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bashfulness \Bash"ful*ness\, n.
   The quality of being bashful.

   Syn: {Bashfulness}, {Modesty}, {Diffidence}, {Shyness}.

   Usage: Modesty arises from a low estimate of ourselves;
          bashfulness is an abashment or agitation of the
          spirits at coming into contact with others; diffidence
          is produced by an undue degree of self-distrust;
          shyness usually arises from an excessive
          self-consciousness, and a painful impression that
          every one is looking at us. Modesty of deportment is
          becoming at all; bashfulness often gives rise to
          mistakes and blundering; diffidence is society
          frequently makes a man a burden to himself; shyness
          usually produces a reserve or distance which is often
          mistaken for haughtiness.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : feeling embarrassed due to modesty [syn: {abashment}]
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