

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Apprize \Ap*prize"\, v. t. [The same as {Appraise}, only more
   accommodated to the English form of the L. pretiare.]
   To appraise; to value; to appreciate.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: give information or notice to; "I advised him that the rent
          was due" [syn: {advise}, {notify}, {give notice}, {send
          word}, {apprise}]
     2: make aware of; "Have the students been apprised of the
        tuition hike?" [syn: {instruct}, {apprise}]
     3: gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!" [syn: {appreciate},
         {apprise}, {revalue}] [ant: {depreciate}]
     4: increase the value of; "The Germans want to appreciate the
        Deutsche Mark" [syn: {appreciate}, {apprise}] [ant: {depreciate}]
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