

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Adagio \A*da"gio\, a. & adv. [It. adagio; ad (L. ad) at + agio
   convenience, leisure, ease. See {Agio}.] (Mus.)
   Slow; slowly, leisurely, and gracefully. When repeated,
   adagio, adagio, it directs the movement to be very slow.

Adagio \A*da"gio\, n.
   A piece of music in adagio time; a slow movement; as, an
   adagio of Haydn.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj : (of tempo) leisurely
     n 1: (music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and
          gracefully); "they played the adagio too quickly"
     2: a slow section of a pas de deux requiring great skill and
        strength by the dancers
     adv : slowly; "here you must play adagio"
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