
Word of command

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Command \Com*mand"\, n.
   1. An authoritative order requiring obedience; a mandate; an

            Awaiting what command their mighty chief Had to
            impose.                               --Milton.

   2. The possession or exercise of authority.

            Command and force may often create, but can never
            cure, an aversion.                    --Locke.

   3. Authority; power or right of control; leadership; as, the
      forces under his command.

   4. Power to dominate, command, or overlook by means of
      position; scope of vision; survey.

            The steepy stand Which overlooks the vale with wide
            command.                              --Dryden.

   5. Control; power over something; sway; influence; as, to
      have command over one's temper or voice; the fort has
      command of the bridge.

            He assumed an absolute command over his readers.

   6. A body of troops, or any naval or military force or post,
      or the whole territory under the authority or control of a
      particular officer.

   {Word of command} (Mil.), a word or phrase of definite and
      established meaning, used in directing the movements of
      soldiers; as, {aim}; {fire}; {shoulder arms}, etc.

   Syn: Control; sway; power; authority; rule; dominion;
        sovereignty; mandate; order; injunction; charge; behest.
        See {Direction}.
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