

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Woman \Wom"an\, n.; pl. {Women}. [OE. woman, womman, wumman,
   wimman, wifmon, AS. w[=i]fmann, w[=i]mmann; w[=i]f woman,
   wife + mann a man. See {Wife}, and {Man}.]
   1. An adult female person; a grown-up female person, as
      distinguished from a man or a child; sometimes, any female

            Women are soft, mild pitiful, and flexible. --Shak.

            And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man,
            made he a woman.                      --Gen. ii. 22.

            I have observed among all nations that the women
            ornament themselves more than the men; that,
            wherever found, they are the same kind, civil,
            obliging, humane, tender beings, inclined to be gay
            and cheerful, timorous and modest.    --J. Ledyard.

   2. The female part of the human race; womankind.

            Man is destined to be a prey to woman. --Thackeray.

   3. A female attendant or servant. `` By her woman I sent your
      message.'' --Shak.

   {Woman hater}, one who hates women; one who has an aversion
      to the female sex; a misogynist. --Swift.

Women \Wom"en\, n.,
   pl. of {Woman}.
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