
White latten

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Latten \Lat"ten\, n. [OE. latoun, laton, OF. laton, F. laiton,
   prob. fr. OF. late lath, F. latte; -- because made in thin
   plates; cf. It. latta a sheet of tinned iron, tin plate. F.
   latte is of German origin. See {Lath} a thin board.]
   1. A kind of brass hammered into thin sheets, formerly much
      used for making church utensils, as candlesticks, crosses,
      etc.; -- called also {latten brass}.

            He had a cross of latoun full of stones. --Chaucer.

   2. Sheet tin; iron plate, covered with tin; also, any metal
      in thin sheets; as, gold latten.

   {Black latten}, brass in milled sheets, composed of copper
      and zinc, used by braziers, and for drawing into wire.

   {Roll latten}, latten polished on both sides ready for use.

   {Shaven latten}, a thinner kind than black latten.

   {White latten}, a mixture of brass and tin.
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