
Whistle duck

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whistle \Whis"tle\, n. [AS. hwistle a pipe, flute, whistle. See
   {Whistle}, v. i.]
   1. A sharp, shrill, more or less musical sound, made by
      forcing the breath through a small orifice of the lips, or
      through or instrument which gives a similar sound; the
      sound used by a sportsman in calling his dogs; the shrill
      note of a bird; as, the sharp whistle of a boy, or of a
      boatswain's pipe; the blackbird's mellow whistle.

            Might we but hear The folded flocks, penned in their
            wattled cotes, . . . Or whistle from the lodge.

            The countryman could not forbear smiling, . . . and
            by that means lost his whistle.       --Spectator.

            They fear his whistle, and forsake the seas.

   2. The shrill sound made by wind passing among trees or
      through crevices, or that made by bullet, or the like,
      passing rapidly through the air; the shrill noise (much
      used as a signal, etc.) made by steam or gas escaping
      through a small orifice, or impinging against the edge of
      a metallic bell or cup.

   3. An instrument in which gas or steam forced into a cavity,
      or against a thin edge, produces a sound more or less like
      that made by one who whistles through the compressed lips;
      as, a child's whistle; a boatswain's whistle; a steam
      whistle (see {Steam whistle}, under {Steam}).

            The bells she jingled, and the whistle blew. --Pope.

   4. The mouth and throat; -- so called as being the organs of
      whistling. [Colloq.]

            So was her jolly whistle well ywet.   --Chaucer.

            Let's drink the other cup to wet our whistles.

   {Whistle duck} (Zo["o]l.), the American golden-eye.
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