
Voluta musica

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Music box}. See {Musical box}, under {Musical}.

   {Music hall}, a place for public musical entertainments.

   {Music loft}, a gallery for musicians, as in a dancing room
      or a church.

   {Music of the spheres}, the harmony supposed to be produced
      by the accordant movement of the celestial spheres.

   {Music paper}, paper ruled with the musical staff, for the
      use of composers and copyists.

   {Music pen}, a pen for ruling at one time the five lines of
      the musical staff.

   {Music shell} (Zo["o]l.), a handsomely colored marine
      gastropod shell ({Voluta musica}) found in the East
      Indies; -- so called because the color markings often
      resemble printed music. Sometimes applied to other shells
      similarly marked.

   {To face the music}, to meet any disagreeable necessity
      without flinching. [Colloq. or Slang]
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